Meet the massage therapists and learn what sets us apart.

Our team of massage therapists are experts in relieving tension and pain.

Meet the Team

  • Alison Post, LMT

    Preferred pronouns: She / Her / Hers

    Massage modalities: Deep Tissue | NeuroMuscular | Myofascial Release | Swedish Massage | Cupping

    Bio: Alison graduated from Cortiva Massage Institute in 2017 and has since honed her skills in both spa and clinical settings, bringing to the table a traditional deep Swedish massage with emphasis on specific muscles so that your session feels both therapeutic as well as deeply relaxing.

    Utilizing over 300 hours of knowledge in yoga certifications that focused on anatomy and physiology, Alison asks a lot of questions to better understand what's going on in your body and how massage can bring greater ease to your day to day. She's your "hydration homie" with a "use it or lose it" mentality, unafraid to remind you to drink your water and move your spine regularly.

  • Olivia San Diego, LMT

    Preferred pronouns: She / Her / Hers

    Massage modalities: Swedish Massage | Myofascial Release I Cupping | Thai-inspired Stretching Techniques | Gua Sha Instrument Massage | Breast & Chest Massage

    Bio: Olivia San Diego is a local-born Seattleite who graduated in 2018 from Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts in West Seattle.

    She specializes in targeted, yet therapeutic Swedish Massage style techniques mixed with Table-Thai stretches designed to provide aid to stiff joints and postural imbalances. Olivia is also certified to provide treatment for breast tissue and chest wall massage and certified to work on the deep inguinal region. 

    When not working, Olivia loves to cook, bake, and spend time with her cats and lizard. She is also quite fond of going on long walks and also being wrapped up in large fuzzy blankets on the couch.

  • Joey Babauta, LMT

    Preferred Pronouns: They / Them

    Massage Modalities: Myofascial Release | Neurofascial Release | PNF |Neural Reset Therapy | Gua Sha Instrument Massage | Visceral Manipulation

    Clinical Interests: Cervicogenic & Neurogenic Headaches | Peripheral Nerve Entrapment | Rib Cage & Respiratory Dysfunction | Visceral Mobility

    Bio: Joey has been a massage therapist for over a decade and was a clinical massage instructor for 4 years. They have a gentle, intuitive, and meticulous approach to working with the body that aims to soothe the nervous system and dissolve chronic holding patterns. They also have a specialized focus working with neural drivers to pain and headaches.

    Joey loves empowering his patients and believes active participation is paramount to effecting long lasting change. Outside of work, Joey enjoys strength training, riding his bike around the city, and the lost art of napping.

  • Lauren Herring, LMT

    Preferred pronouns: She / Her

    Massage modalities: Myofascial | Neuromuscular | Deep Tissue | Trigger Point | Swedish/Lomi | Cranial/sacral integration | Cupping | Kinesio–taping | Intra-Oral (jaw)

    Clinical interests: Thoracic outlet syndrome / Neuralgia / Headache management / TMJ (intraoral jaw work) / Sciatica / Shoulder pathologies / Pre/post natal

    Bio: Lauren graduated from NW Health Science University in 2014, with an emphasis in nutrition and physical therapy. As a massage therapist, she has evolved her clinical skills to complement physical therapy and chiropractic care, with a holistic approach to address the subtle, underlying issues that misalign full body function. Specializing in neuromuscular relief, myofascial release, deep tissue, and refined touch ~ for peace of mind and relaxation.

    Lauren has been a vegan for over 25 years, has a second degree black belt in Taekwondo, and currently practices ballet and wushu. She believes everything is connected, and little acts of love, taking time to truly listen to what a person or sunrise speaks, can manifest great change and cultivate a better world.

We’re here with helping hands.

Experience relief with massage therapy today.

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